10 year old George Britton and his mum, Stephanie, are taking on a mother and son challenge in aid of the Avon Riding Centre for the Disabled on Saturday 9th July.
They’ll be doing the Color Run 5k challenge together. It’s a 5k event where every kilometre, runners are showered with brightly coloured powder paint. “By the time you finish you look like a rainbow!” says Steph. “I did it last year and when I finished George insisted that he wanted to do it this time.”
George has a diagnosis of autism, with ADHD and sensory processing disorder. This means that staying active can be really difficult for him. Other 10 year olds might kick a ball about with mates in the park; George needs structure, understanding and constant supervision.
Training with mum is a great way to let off steam in a safe way. George is home-schooled so in the morning, he studies. In the afternoon, they go out to “blow the cobwebs out of my energy” as he puts it.
Riding also gives him a great opportunity to stay active. “He’s like a different child in the saddle. All of his stress and anxiety just disappear. I knew that if we were going to do this event for charity, it would have to be for Avon Riding.”

Proud as Punch – George shows off his Rosette at the RDA Regional Championships on Bella, with his helper,
“When you have children with Additional Needs, you are used to doors closing but with RDA you see pathways just open up,” said Steph. In fact, George recently competed in the RDA Regional Championships, riding Bella in both dressage and Countryside Challenge. “That’s a big deal for a child that’s developing typically but for George…watching him do dressage; my mum and I were both in tears.”
If you would like to sponsor George and Stephanie and donate to the Avon Riding Centre for the Disabled (Registered charity 281648) please go to the Avon Riding Centre page on JustGiving. ttps://www.justgiving.com/ARCfortheDisabled